Firefighters' Association

The Cleveland County Fire Fighters' Association and its Members have had a long, proud history of providing quality services to the citizens of Cleveland County. Since the inception of the Association, our Departments have built a reputation for innovative and progressive leadership in fire services.
We consist of fifteen Fire Departments (Volunteer and Paid), one Level 2 Hazmat Team and two Forrest Rangers.
On a yearly average, our departments respond to over 3,000 fire calls.
We provide many services to our community including, fire suppression, medical first response, hazardous materials response, car seat safety checks, fire prevention programs, and many more.
The county has a population of about 96,287 residents, covering 460 square miles.
Our area is composed of industrial and manufacturing facilities, farms, motor-sports venues, shopping centers, hospitals, nursing homes and residential homes.
As an association, we continue to evaluate our departments and our services to become more effective and efficient in the fire service to meet the ever-changing needs of our citizens.